Photonics is changing how we understand and protect wildlife. With tools like LiDAR, thermal imaging, and remote sensing, scientists can track animals, check habitats, and solve problems between people and wildlife. Here below you will see 5 examples of how technology can contribute to understanding and protecting wildlife: Animal Tracking …
Photonics plays a vital role in shaping the modern world. From powering our high-speed internet connections to revolutionizing healthcare and renewable energy, photonics innovations have transformed how we communicate, live, and explore. Here below you will see 5 examples of innovations enabled by photonics. Medical ImagingPhotonics has led to significant progress in …
Reducing food waste can be achieved by planning your meals, storing food properly, composting food scraps and donating excess non-perishable items. This is what you can do. But way before we even buy the food, photonics can already plan a role in reducing food waste. Here is how… While GrowingFarmers …
By using the power of light, we can effectively monitor air quality The importance of clean airClean air is essential for maintaining good health. Air pollution, especially of prolonged exposure, can have severe health effects and are associated with for instance respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and lung cancer. Clean air …
On World Chocolate Day, we celebrate the delightful taste and rich history of chocolate. However, behind the scenes, there is a hidden hero contributing to the quality and irresistible flavour of chocolate: photonics. Precision in Bean SortingPhotonics technology, such as hyperspectral imaging, enables precise sorting of cocoa beans. By illuminating …
By harnessing the power of light, we can develop sustainable solutions to various environmental challenges. In this post we are highlighting some of the ways photonics can contribute to preserving the planet: Renewable energySolar photovoltaic (PV) technology converts sunlight into electricity, providing a clean and sustainable energy source. Improved photonic …
Photonics offers many technologies that can benefit heritage sites worldwide. On World Heritage Day, we highlight three famous heritage places in Europe where photonics have played a role towards preservation, authentication and enhancing the visitor experience. Acropolis (Athens, Greece)The Acropolis, an ancient citadel in Athens containing various significant architectural remains, …
Photonics is revolutionizing many industries. Today, on World Health Day, we highlight some health care applications that have benefited from advancements in photonics in recent years. Wearable Biosensors have been developed that use photonics technology for real-time monitoring of various physiological parameters like heart rate, blood pressure, and blood glucose levels. …
On Geologists’ Day we highlight how photonics technologies help geologists to better understand the Earth’s surface and subsurface. Photonics technologies have already been recognized by geologists and have been used as an increasingly important tool over the past few decades. One way that geologists use photonics is in remote sensing. …
Counterfeiting is a growing problem that affects various industries. On International Whisk(e)y Day, we want to highlight how photonics technologies can support in identifying counterfeit whiskey. This is important as counterfeit whiskey does not only harm the reputation of the brand, it can also cause serious health risks to consumers. …