Have you ever wondered about the tiny world we can’t see with our naked eyes? The one where cells, molecules, and atoms dance and interact in ways beyond our imagination? Thanks to a combination of microscopes and photonics, scientists can do research about this.
Super-resolution microscopy
Have you ever wanted to see things that are smaller than what normal microscopes can show? That’s where super-resolution microscopy and photonics comes in. With techniques like stimulated emission depletion (STED), structured illumination microscopy (SIM), and single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM), scientists use special light tricks to see tiny details that were once invisible, like peeking into the nanoscale world.
Fluorescence imaging
In biology, there’s a technique called fluorescence microscopy that lets scientists see specific molecules inside cells. And guess what? Photonics is the key to making it work. By using lasers to light up molecules and sensitive detectors to capture their glow, researchers can label and track these molecules with incredible precision, helping them understand how cells work.
Multiphoton microscopy
Imagine being able to see deep into tissues without harming them. That’s where multiphoton microscopy comes in. By using special laser pulses, this technique can look deep into tissues, helping scientists study things like the brain in neuroscience research without causing damage like traditional methods might.
Coherent Raman imaging
Sometimes, scientists want to see chemicals inside cells without adding any labels. That’s where techniques like coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) come in. By using lasers that interact with the vibrations of molecules, researchers can create images of chemicals inside cells without needing to add any extra labels.
Time-resolved imaging
Ever wanted to see how things move and change over time? Well, photonics makes it possible with time-resolved imaging techniques. With tools like fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) and time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC), scientists can use special lasers and detectors to capture how molecules behave over time, helping them study dynamic processes in biology and other fields with super high-speed cameras for molecules.